Author: Neil Mcintosh

Understanding the Advantages of Duct Cleaning 

The air that circulates through your home or business is filtered through ductwork. When this ductwork becomes dirty, it needs cleaning.

Duct Cleaning

Agitation and reverse pressure vacuuming are essential steps in the process. Avoid companies that recommend spraying chemical biocides or sealants inside your ducts without fully understanding the pros and cons. Contact Duct Cleaning Salt Lake City for professional guidance.

1. Improved Airflow

Dirty ducts cause your heating and cooling system to work harder than it should, which results in higher energy bills. Duct cleaning helps reduce these costs by allowing your HVAC equipment to function properly.

Over time, air ducts become dirty with the accumulation of dust, dirt, animal dander, skin cells and more. This material is pulled into the air conditioning system, recirculated and then blown out through the vents in your home.

As a result, dusty air is circulated throughout the house and can cause allergic reactions in people who suffer from severe allergies or asthma. Even if you do not have any respiratory conditions, circulating this dust and dirt can cause itchy, watery eyes, itching of the nose and throat, sinus congestion and bronchial coughing. Clean ducts prevent these pollutants from being circulated and help everyone in your home breathe easier.

The National Air Duct Cleaning Association (NADCA) recommends that you have your ductwork cleaned every three to five years. However, if you have pets or live in an area with high levels of pollution or if someone in your family has a chronic health condition such as asthma, it may be necessary to do the job more often.

During a duct cleaning, the technician sweeps the inside of your vents and ductwork, then uses negative pressure to suck up all the debris. He or she also inspects the ductwork for signs of mold, mildew or pest infestation. In some cases, a moisture sensor or infrared camera may be used to check for these issues. To prepare for a duct cleaning, make sure all the vents are easy to access and that any animals or children are not in the way of the service technician.

2. Improved Indoor Air Quality

Duct cleaning enhances your indoor air quality by removing the build-up of contaminants. Dirty ducts can harbor mold, mildew, and other bacteria that can trigger respiratory issues and allergic reactions. The agitating power of a specialized cleaning tool is used to remove the debris from the interior surfaces of your ducts, after which a truck-powered vacuum cleans the entire system. This eliminates the potential for mold and mildew, as well as dander from pets, odors from cigarettes or cooking, and other contaminants from circulation in your home’s air.

By eliminating airborne particles, duct cleaning significantly improves your breathing habits and promotes a healthier lifestyle. Breathing fresh, uncontaminated air enables you to focus and perform at your best. Duct cleaning also reduces irritants that can cause allergies and respiratory discomfort, allowing you to sleep better at night and enjoy a sense of well-being upon waking up.

When ductwork is dirty, it is the perfect breeding ground for rodents and other pests. The unpleasant odors generated by these pests can then be circulated throughout your home. Regular duct cleaning eliminates these conditions, as well as the rodent droppings that they leave behind.

While studies have shown that duct cleaning may help to minimize some respiratory problems, it has not been proven that it prevents health problems or lowers energy costs. In addition, the duct cleaning process is not without its risks, and it can actually impede air flow and damage your HVAC equipment. Therefore, it is important to hire a certified technician to perform the job and make sure that your heating and cooling equipment is not damaged during the procedure. This is especially true if you have young children or pets at home during the time of the duct cleaning appointment.

3. Increased Energy Efficiency

Many energy-saving strategies focus on appliances, insulation, and other measures, but air duct cleaning is an often overlooked way to reduce your home’s energy consumption. Clean ducts maintain optimal airflow dynamics, allowing your HVAC system to operate more efficiently. Regular duct cleaning also helps control microbial growth, which can affect system efficiency.

Dirty ducts increase your energy consumption because they force your system to work harder to heat or cool your home. Clogged air ducts cause your HVAC unit to overwork and use more energy to compensate, leading to increased power bills and a higher carbon footprint.

Duct cleaning involves the use of specialized tools to dislodge dust, dirt, and other contaminants from duct surfaces. Then, they are vacuumed away with high-powered equipment. Air ducts collect particles and pollutants throughout the year, but they only become airborne if disturbed. Many professionals recommend duct cleaning at least every five years to keep the ventilation system clear.

Some sources of airborne contaminants may require duct cleaning on an even more frequent basis. For example, pet dander can build up in the vents and create an optimal breeding ground for bacteria and fungus. Also, if you’ve recently built or remodeled your house, construction debris can contaminate the ductwork and circulate in your living spaces.

Rodents can also take up residence in ductwork, chewing through the vents and leaving behind signs like chewed materials and droppings. These pests introduce fecal particles into the air, which can contaminate your indoor air and lead to health problems. Regular duct cleaning can help eliminate the risk of rodent infestations. It’s important to hire a qualified technician to ensure the process is completed safely and effectively.

4. Reduced Indoor Air Pollution

The accumulated pollutants in air ducts can be a source of health risks. Air duct cleaning eliminates these sources, improving indoor air quality (IAQ). In addition to the obvious benefits of improved health, cleaner air also contributes to increased productivity. The circulating clean air enhances focus and alertness, leading to better performance at work or home.

Ventilation duct cleaning reduces the accumulation of dust, dirt, pet dander, pollen, mildew, and other contaminants in the ventilation system. These contaminants are a major cause of respiratory problems in people with allergies and asthma. In addition, duct cleaning reduces unpleasant odors caused by these contaminants and helps prevent pest infestations, including rodents and insects that can introduce harmful pathogens into the indoor air.

Air duct cleaning has been shown to reduce the concentration of some indoor air pollutants, such as volatile organic compounds and bacterial contaminants. However, the positive impact of duct cleaning on other air pollutants has yet to be proven.

Duct cleaning is a cost-effective way to improve indoor air quality. When performed regularly, it can reduce allergy and asthma symptoms, reduce the occurrence of other breathing problems, and help maintain optimal energy efficiency. However, homeowners should not rely solely on this method to improve IAQ in their homes; it is important to take other steps as well. These other steps include:

5. Reduced Allergens

Several types of allergens can cause itchy eyes, runny nose, coughing, wheezing, and other respiratory symptoms. These allergens are often released into the air by household pets, mold spores, mildew, dust mites, and pest droppings. Duct cleaning significantly reduces these allergens in the home. This helps people breathe easier and live happier, healthier lives.

Dust mites are microscopic creatures that thrive in warm and humid environments. When they settle in ductwork, they release their fecal matter and body fragments into the air. These allergens can cause a wide variety of allergy symptoms, including rashes, itchiness, and asthma attacks. During duct cleaning, professionals thoroughly clean and sanitize ductwork, vents, and HVAC components, preventing dust mites from releasing their irritants into living spaces.

Allergens like pet dander, mold spores, and mildew can also build up in ductwork, causing irritation when they are circulated. Duct cleaning eliminates these allergens, making it easier for families to enjoy the company of their furry friends without suffering constant allergy symptoms.

Pest droppings can also build up in ductwork, and when the HVAC system circulates them, they can trigger respiratory problems and allergies. During the duct cleaning process, technicians thoroughly inspect and sanitize ductwork, removing hard-to-remove rodent droppings.

Smoke particles can also enter ductwork and contaminate the HVAC system, irritating respiratory systems and causing unpleasant odors in homes. Professional duct cleaning helps remove lingering smoke particles and prevents them from recirculating, improving indoor air quality for everyone.

Raccoon Removal – Why You Need Professional Raccoon Removal

Raccoons can cause significant damage to your home or property. Wildlife removal professionals use live traps to humanely remove raccoons and relocate them to a natural habitat. They also perform inspections to locate entry points and use one way doors or exclusion meshing to keep raccoons from coming back.

Raccoon Removal

Manually removing a mother raccoon with babies is too risky to do without professional help. Keeping them away from the house in the first place will make sure they find a better living spot! Get professional help from Raccoon Removal Texas today.

Often, the best solution for raccoon removal is to humanely trap and relocate the animals. This is done by professional wildlife trappers that use live traps to capture raccoons without harming them, then safely relocate the animals far away from your property. This saves you the trouble of starving baby raccoons crying in your attic at night, and the cost of cutting holes in the drywall to remove them! This also helps to prevent the reentry of other raccoons or other wildlife into your home after the mother raccoon and her babies have been removed.

It is very important to have the right kind of traps set for raccoons. The wrong traps can cause the animal to become sick and possibly die, or worse, become injured in a trap that is too small. In addition, it is important to inspect and maintain the traps regularly to make sure that they are working properly so that raccoons cannot escape. In addition, it is important to inspect your home and look for any areas where the raccoons could access. This includes checking for signs of raccoon activity, such as fresh paw prints and droppings in your attic crawl space, and chewed wires or attic insulation that need to be repaired.

Some homeowners resort to poisoning raccoons in their chimney or other places where the critters may be living up close and personal, but this is not only a terrible idea for the raccoons, but it is a very dangerous method for your family and pets. Poisoning animals is also illegal in many states, and it will not help your raccoon problem to be any safer in the long run.

It is also important to note that it is very common for raccoons to return to their old homes even after they have been trapped and moved from them. This is a result of the fact that raccoons are wild animals that prefer safe, secure, and completely dry areas to live in. To help prevent raccoons from returning to their old homes, it is recommended that the following methods be used:


Raccoons can spread disease when they enter a property, leaving behind parasites and feces. The bacteria they carry can cause illness in humans and pets, and their droppings can lead to damage to the roof and siding of buildings. They also dig up lawns looking for grubs to eat, which can leave unsightly holes in the yard. The best way to eliminate a raccoon problem is to exclude them from your home or garden, keeping them where they belong.

A raccoon’s natural habitat is in a tree or on a hillside, so they usually will not stay long in an urban or suburban area. They are highly adaptable and able to find food in a variety of ways, including by raiding trash cans, getting into gardens, or entering buildings in search of shelter. Raccoons can also spread rabies and canine distemper, which pose health hazards to unvaccinated dogs.

If you see a raccoon in an attic, wall, or chimney, it is almost certainly a female with her litter. It is important to remove the babies, as they cannot survive without care. This is a time-consuming process that may require special equipment, depending on the location of the nest. After the young are removed, it is necessary to seal up the entrance point and prevent future raccoons from coming in. This often involves capping chimneys, patching holes, screening crawl spaces and decks, and installing vents that animals can’t access.

Wildlife professionals are trained to identify raccoon entry points and the specific conditions that may be creating an environment where they want to live. This allows them to make recommendations for prevention and repairs, as well as a plan for humanely trapping and relocating the animals to a new habitat.

Exclusion is a lengthy and costly procedure, but it is the only truly effective method of keeping raccoons out of your home or garden. It requires a thorough inspection of your property, checking for entry points and signs of the animals’ presence. A professional will assess the situation and use durable materials that can withstand the determination of these intelligent creatures, such as heavy-duty wire mesh and galvanized steel flashing. It will also include a thorough check for raccoon hiding spots and baby raccoons that need to be protected.

Damage Repair

The feces of raccoons can contain dangerous bacteria like Listeria monocytogenes and the parasite Baylisascaris procynis, which can be harmful to people, pets and livestock. The animals also contaminate gardens, yards and ponds with their waste.

While raccoons may seem cute, they are not welcome visitors to your property. They can carry diseases that can be spread to humans and pets, including canine distemper and rabies, as well as create unsanitary conditions with their dens, guano and droppings. They can also destroy your garden or trash bins, rummage through garbage cans and raid your ponds for fish.

When raccoons come inside, they can damage your roof and chimney with their claws, chew through electrical wires, destroy insulation, tear down shingles and cause stains on ceilings and walls from their urine. They can also urinate and defecate in attic spaces, resulting in costly repairs to your home and possible health issues for you and your family.

There are several ways to prevent raccoons from invading your yard and home. One way is to cover attic vents and crawl space openings with heavy hardware cloth. You can also block access to their favorite hiding spots with wood piles, and eliminate sources of food, such as pet food left outside overnight and unsecured trash can lids.

Another method is to use humane trapping, which can be done professionally or DIY in certain situations. This can be effective for removing raccoons from attics, crawl spaces and other secluded areas. However, it should be used only after an inspection to ensure that the mother and her kits are not trapped.

A more long-term method is to use repellents. Cayenne pepper, sprayed around the perimeter of your home, and predator urine can be highly effective at keeping raccoons away. However, the odors must be repeated regularly to remain effective.

An experienced wildlife specialist can help you decide the best course of action to control a raccoon problem, taking into account state and county laws that limit trapping and relocation. They can also advise you on preventing future problems by evaluating the location of your raccoon problem and advising you on how to make the area inaccessible to the animal.


Despite their cute appearance, raccoons can cause a lot of damage to homes and gardens. Their rummaging and digging can dismantle garbage cans, tear through shingles or siding, and invade attics, causing costly repairs. They can also carry diseases like rabies and parasites, making their presence a health risk for humans and pets.

If you have a raccoon problem, there are several methods of humane raccoon removal. The most effective is exclusion, preventing the animals from coming into your home or yard through physical barriers and one-way doors. This can be done by a professional, or you can try to seal off entry points yourself. Repellents can also help, although the effectiveness of these products varies. They should be used sparingly to prevent over-exposure and need to be reapplied regularly to be effective.

Trash cans are the main temptation for raccoons, earning them the nickname “trash pandas.” They can use their nimble hands to open lids, or knock them over and spill the contents. Investing in animal-proof trash cans with locking lids is an inexpensive and easy way to deter them. Similarly, placing your compost bins in an enclosed area or closing off access to wood piles can make your property less appealing. If you have a pet, move their food bowls indoors overnight and keep your yards clean to avoid attracting raccoons.

When they do get inside, raccoons leave bacteria-laden droppings and urine, contaminating insulation and drywall. A raccoon infestation may also contain ticks and fleas, which can be a serious health risk for humans and pets. A wildlife control expert can safely remove dead raccoons and sanitize the areas they have contaminated.

Racoons will not stay where they are uncomfortable, so prevention is a must. Covering attic vents and crawl space openings with heavy hardware cloth can deter them. Eliminating food sources, such as unsecured trash cans or pet food left outdoors at night, and blocking access to crawl spaces and decks can be helpful too.

While coexisting with local wildlife is always a good idea, it’s not realistic for some properties. Raccoons are smart and resourceful, posing structural and health risks when they get too close to homes or gardens. The best humane raccoon removal method is often exclusion, which can be done with one-way door systems or professionally installed barriers. Other options include repellents, motion-activated lights, and acoustic devices that emit a noise similar to the call of an owl to scare away the creatures.
